
BJRI Tossa Jute 9





Title of the technology: BJRI Tossa Pat 9 (Sobuj Sona)

Year of innovation: 2023


Introduction: Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) has developed a new fast growing and high yielding variety of tosha jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) known as BJRI tosha jute 9 (Sobuj Sona). The variety has been approved by the National Seed Board in 2023.


Salient features of the technology:

·   The variety is fully green with narrow lanceolate leaves. Leaves are deep green at young stage and leaf margins are wavy. The ratio between length and breadth of leaf is 3:1; mature leaves hang like goat's ears. The average leaf angle between leaves and stems is 100 Degree, the stipules are taller and 2-3 in number.
·   The variety is early sowing, short durated (100-110 Days) and tolerant to early flowering.
·   Fruit is indehiscent at maturity. The weight of 1000 seeds is 1.75g and seeds are deep greenish blue in colour.
·   The average plant height 3.0-3.5m with 17-20mm base diametere and non-lodging type stem.
·   The variety is quick growing and early harvesting than the existing varieties. 
·   It is comparatively tolerant to yellow mite and collar or root rot.
·   The narrow lanceolate leaves of this variety allow to keep maximum plants (4.5-5.0 Lac) per hectare of land and thus higher yield can be obtained than the other varieties.
·   Each fruit has an average of 200-250 greenish blue seeds.
·   It is high-yielding with good quality fibers of bright golden colour.


Brief description of the technology: The variety has been developed by hybridization between an exotic (India) variety (JRO-524) and an early maturing local germplasm (Acc. 1749).
Sowing time: It can be sown from 1st week of Chaitra (mid-March) to 1st week of Baishakh (mid-April). But higher fiber yield can be obtaining if it is sown within 30 March to 10 April.

Life span: 100-110 days

Seed rate: Line sowing: 4.5-5.0 kg/ha

              Broadcasting: 5.0-7.0 kg/ha

Fibre Yield: 3.25 t/ha (If 4.0-4.5 Lac plants kept per hectare under favourable condition and proper intercultural operations).
Fertilization rate per hectare: 217 kg urea (half part at the time of land preparation and half part at 40-45 days after sowing), 20 kg TSP, 50 kg MoP, 15 kg Sulphar should be applied at the time of land preparation.


Suitability of the technology: High to medium-high land with proper drainage facilities is suitable to cultivate the variety throughout the country. It also can be sown in medium-low land having no possibility of an early flood.


Economic benefit of the technology and role in livelihood development: Farmers will be benefitted financially from the high yielding quality fibers of this variety.


Photograph of the technology:













Fig: BJRI Tossa Pat 9 (Sobuj Sona)


Availability of the technology and contact: 
Director General
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207.
Phone: +880248118984, +880248120094
