Planning, Training and Communication Wing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Planning Wing works with BJRI as a co-ordinator with various Ministries including the Ministry of Agriculture, National Parliament, BARC, BADC, DAE and other external institutions. It serves as the focal point for day-to-day important official activities of BJRI.

The training wing conducts all activities related to higher education in the country and abroad and arranges for sending of trainees to trainings, seminars, symposiums and workshops as per the needs of various institutions. This branch organizes farmer training at various regional centers and sub-center of the Jute Research Institute.

The communication wing provides the information required for the preparation of various reports of the Ministry of Agriculture and BJRI. Provides services to stake holders. To assist in the implementation of various activities undertaken by the government to build digital Bangladesh through promotion and promotion of BJRI.