Potato+stalk–jute–seedling Aman cropping. (2002)
Sl. No. |
English |
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Title of the technology: Cropping Pattern: Potato+ Amaranthus-Jute- T. Aman |
Year of innovation: 2002 |
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Indroduction: The suitability test has been done in Dhaka and Faridpur region in 1997 to 2000. |
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Salient features of the technology: a) Amaranthus can easily be incorporated between potato rows. b) Four-cropped improved cropping pattern will be established instead of conventional Potato-Jute-T. Aman cropping pattern. c) Farmers get quick income and higher net profit as all the crops included in this cropping pattern are cash crops. d) Farmer may quickly make additional money by combining amaranth alongside potato rows. |
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Brief description of the technology: |
Items |
Potato+Stalk |
Jute |
T. Aman |
Variety |
Diamond/Cardinal+ Sureshory/BARI Data 1/Bashpata |
O-9897 |
BR 11/BRRI 30, BRRI 32/BRRI 33 |
Sowing Time |
December 1st week to 4th week |
Last week of March to last week of April |
Last week of july to middle August |
Spacing (cm) |
60 |
Broadcast |
25 |
Fertilizer (kg/ha)(U.-TSP-MP-Gypsum-Zn) |
350-60-200-100-10 |
200-50-90-45-10 |
135-90-50-60-0 |
Duration |
90-95 days Potato and 60-65 days Amaranthus |
110-115 |
105-110 |
Yield (tha-1) |
16.30+7.97 |
2.49 |
4.19 |
Production Cost (Tk./ha) |
46965 |
20401 |
15599 |
Gross Return (Tk./ha) |
97265 |
34933 |
26887 |
Gross Margin (Tk./ha) |
50300 |
14532 |
11288 |
2.50 |
2.84 |
1.88 |
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Suitability of the technology: This improved cropping pattern can be introduced in high, medium high and medium low lands of agro-ecological zones 3, 7, 8 and 12. |
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Economic benefit of the technology and role for livelihood development: The improved cropping pattern produced an average yield of 16.30 ton+7.97 ton, 2.49 ton, and 4.19 ton per hectare of potato+amaranthus, jute, and T. aman, respectively, which was 19.13, 24.67, and 22.32 percent higher than the yield of the conventional cropping pattern. |
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Availability of the technology and contact: Director General, BJRI, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207. Phone: +880248118984, +880248120094 E-mail: dg@bjri.gov.bd |