
Stem or top planting method of jute seed production in nabi moushum





Name of Technology: Stem or top planting method of jute seed production in nabi moushum

Year of innovation: 2013


Introduction: A major component of jute crop production is high quality jute seeds. Using this method, more and better quality jute seeds can be produced in a short time (4-5 months). When there is continuous rainfall during the season of jute seed production in such a way that the seeds cannot be sown due to lack of dry land, then 9 inch long cuttings of jute can be sown in muddy land at a 45 degree angle with the soil.


Salient features of the technology:

  • In this method it is possible to produce more quantity of jute seeds in a short time in nabi moushum.
  • Quality of seeds produced by Nabi Pat seed production method is comparatively very good.
  • It is possible to meet the demand of jute seeds of the country by producing seeds in Nabi method.
  • The cropping intensity of the agricultural land will increase if jute seed is produced in Nabi method.


Brief description of the technology:

Sowing/Planting: In nabi moushum, from the land of fiber crops, select healthy and strong trees of about 100 days of age and cut them with a sharp knife into 20-25 cm or 8-10 inch pieces and plant them on the ground at a 45 degree angle.

Harvesting: If 70-80% of the fruits turn brown, the plant should be cut and harvested. But care should be taken so that seeds cannot be collected from diseased trees under any circumstances. The seeds should be collected on a sunny day.

Yield: 600-800 kg/ha jute seed


Suitability of the Technology: All over the country.


Economic benefit of the technology and role for livelihood development: This technology increases the economic profit of jute growers by producing more and quality jute seeds. Greater productive capacity as well as economic income is achieved.


Photograph of the technology:


Fig: Stem cutting method for jute seed production


Availability of the Technology and Contact:

Director General

BJRI, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207

Phone: +88 02 48118984, +88 02 48120094
