
Selection of correct Tosha varieties (O-795, O-9897 and JRO-524) based on lifespan for fiber production


Sl. No.



Name of Technology: Selection of correct Tosha varieties (O-795, O-9897 and JRO-524) based on lifespan for fiber production

Year of innovation: 2020


Introduction: Proper sowing time, harvesting time and other interculture management play an important role to get better quality fiber and increase fiber yield.


Salient features of the technology:

  • Selection of proper variety based on harvesting period results in comparatively better quality and yield of ash.
  • Tossa varieties O-795, O-9897 and JRO-524 can obtain maximum fiber yield if cut at scheduled time.


Brief description of technology:

Sowing time: Last week of March to first week of April.

Sowing distance: Row to row 25-30 cm.

Fertilizer levels: Prescribed levels (Urea-200 kg/ha; TSP-50 kg/ha and MOP-60 kg/ha)

Harvest time:

After 90 days of sowing, JRO-524 and after 100 days of Tosha variety O-9897 and O-795 should be cut and harvested.

Yield: Selection of JRO-524 (2.58 t/ha.) for 90 days life and Tosha varieties O-9897 and O-795 for 100-110 (3-3.5 t/ha) days life will give desired yield.


Suitability of the Technology: All over the country.


Economic benefit of the technology and role for livelihood development: Due to good fiber yield, quality and market price, farmers become more benefitted financially and it contributes to improve their lifestyle.


Photograph of the technology:


Fig: Selection of correct Tosha varieties (O-795, O-9897 and JRO-524) based on lifespan for fiber production


Availability of the Technology and Contact:

Director General

BJRI, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207

Phone: +88 02 48118984, +88 02 48120094
