Bangladesh Jute Knowledge Bank
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Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
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Research Wing
Agricultural Research Wing
Genetic Resources And Seed Division
Breeding Division
Agronomy Division
Pest Management Division
Fibre Quality Improvement Division
Jute Farming System Division
Farm Management Unit
Technological Research Wing
Textile Physics Division
Chemistry Division
Mechanical Processing Division
Dyeing & Printing Division
Pilot Plant and Processing Division
Microbiology and Biochemistry Department
Jute-Textile Wing
Product Development Division
Planning, Training and Communication Wing
Planning, Training and communication Division
Admininstrative Wing
Research Station
Head Office
Jute Agriculture Experimental Station, Manikgonj
Jute Research Regional Station, Rangpur
Jute Research Regional Station, Faridpur
Jute Research Regional Station Kishoreganj
Jute Research Regional Station Chandina, Cumilla
Jute Research Sub-Station Monirampur, Jessore
Jute Research Sub-Station Tarab, Narayanganj
Jute Research Sub-Station Pakhimara, Patuakhali
Jute Seed Production and Research Station Nashipur, Dinajpur
Jute Research Sub-Station, Matherjong, Jamalpur
Scientists / Officers List
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About Us
Research Wing
Agricultural Research Wing
Genetic Resources And Seed Division
Breeding Division
Agronomy Division
Pest Management Division
Fibre Quality Improvement Division
Jute Farming System Division
Farm Management Unit
Technological Research Wing
Textile Physics Division
Chemistry Division
Mechanical Processing Division
Dyeing & Printing Division
Pilot Plant and Processing Division
Microbiology and Biochemistry Department
Jute-Textile Wing
Product Development Division
Planning, Training and Communication Wing
Planning, Training and communication Division
Admininstrative Wing
Research Station
Head Office
Jute Agriculture Experimental Station, Manikgonj
Jute Research Regional Station, Rangpur
Jute Research Regional Station, Faridpur
Jute Research Regional Station Kishoreganj
Jute Research Regional Station Chandina, Cumilla
Jute Research Sub-Station Monirampur, Jessore
Jute Research Sub-Station Tarab, Narayanganj
Jute Research Sub-Station Pakhimara, Patuakhali
Jute Seed Production and Research Station Nashipur, Dinajpur
Jute Research Sub-Station, Matherjong, Jamalpur
Scientists / Officers List
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Product Development Division
Farm Management Unit
Planning, Training and communication Division
Jute Farming System Division
Agronomy Division
Breeding Division
Microbiology and Biochemistry Department
Chemistry Division
Textile Physics Division
Mechanical Processing Division
Pilot Plant and Processing Division
Dyeing & Printing Division
Fibre Quality Improvement Division
Pest Management Division
Genetic Resources And Seed Division
Use of surfactants in tissue culture media
Using a cotton swab as a flux lid
Use of brown paper packets instead of autoclave bags
Use thin American cloths instead of paper towels or tissue paper
Use of commercial sugar instead of sucrose in tissue culture media
Use of clinical cotton instead of agar in tissue culture media
Development of jute and buying through transformation
Regeneration from a plant in Kenaf
Regeneration of tosha jute from a plant
Seedling production by regeneration from native jute explants
Weeding and herbicide management Technology for weed control of tossa jute fiber production
Selection of correct Tosha varieties (O-795, O-9897 and JRO-524) based on lifespan for fiber production
Herbicide use technology for weed control in jute field
Seed production technology from jute seedlings in Nabi Moushum
Stem or top planting method of jute seed production in nabi moushum
Direct jute seed production technology in nabi moushum
Deshi jute variety in Jute-Roppa Aman-Wheat cropping pattern
Tossa jute variety in Jute-Roppa Aman-Wheat cropping pattern
Fibre production technology of tossa jute
Fibre production technology of deshi jute
Fibre production technology of mesta variety BJRI Mesta-3
Fibre production technology of mesta variety BJRI Mesta-2 (VM-1)
Fibre production technology of mesta variety HS-24
Fibre production technology of kenaf variety BJRI Kenaf 4
Fibre production technology of kenaf variety BJRI Kenaf-3 (Bot Kenaf)
Fibre production technology of kenaf variety HC-95
Fibre production technology of kenaf variety HC-2
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety BJRI Tossa Pat-8 (Robi-1)
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety BJRI Tossa Pat-7 (MG-1)
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety BJRI Tossa Pat-6 (O-3820)
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety BJRI Tossa Pat-5 (O-795)
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety BJRI Tossa Pat- 4 (O-72)
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety BJRI Tossa Pat- 3 (OM-1)
Fibre production technology of tossa jute variety O-9897
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety BJRI Deshi Pat- 10
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety BJRI Deshi Pat- 9
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety BJRI deshi pat 8
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety BJRI Deshi Pat-7
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety BJRI Deshi pat 6
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety BJRI Deshi Pat- 5
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety CC-45
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety CVE-3
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety CVL-1
Fibre production technology of deshi jute variety D-154
Introduction of improved cropping system Brinjal-Jute-Patit instead of conventional cropping system at farmer level in rainfed uplands. (1991)
Introduction of improved cropping system of garlic-jute-falling instead of conventional cropping system at farmer level. (1991)
Introduction of wheat-jute-rape Aman cropping system. (1993)
Potato-jute-seedling Aman cropping system. (1993)
Potato-jute-radish crop rotation. (2001)
Potato+Lettuce+Sweet Pumpkin – Jute – Radish Crop Scheme. (2001)
Potato+stalk–jute–seedling Aman cropping. (2002)
Profitable crop rotation: Chilli+Tomato+Coriander–Jute–Ropa Aman. (2002)
Development of garlic-jute-seedling Aman cropping system by incorporating improved varieties and management. (2003)
Wheat+lentil-jute-mung bean crop arrangement. (2004)
Lentil+mustard–jute–mung bean crop arrangement. (2004)
Nabi jute seed included crop arrangement Garlic – jute – Nabi jute seed + red leafy greens. (2005)
Potato+red vegetables-jute-seedling Aman cropping. (2006)
Development of lentil-jute-plant Aman cropping system by incorporating improved varieties and management. (2008)
Water management technology for jute land. (2012)
Nabi jute seed production technology in agroforestry environment. (2013)
Development of Maize-Jute-Seed Aman cropping system through incorporation of improved varieties and management. (2015)
Jute-based four-crop cropping system is potato-jute vegetables-jute-seedlings. (2020)
Improved cropping system Boro-Jute-Ropa Amon. (2021)
Nabi jute seeds include crop arrangement Onion – Jute – Nabi jute seeds + Coriander. (2016)
Determining the physiological maturity of desi and tosha jute seeds
Determining the cutting age of Kenaf HC-2
Determine the similarity of flowering nature of jute produced from advance and nabi jute seeds
Determine the relationship between the weight of jute roots and the growth of jute stems
Determination of growth line of Dhabdhabe and O-9896 varieties of jute
Determining the base temperature of Desipat, Toshapat and Kenaf
Determining the relative growth rate and total assimilation rate of jute varieties of O-9898, D-154, CVL-1, CVE-3, CC-45, Dhabdhabe, Chaitali and O-4 varieties.
Yields of different varieties of desi and tosha jute in different agro-ecological zones Determine the difference and sowing time
Detection of germplasm of jute producing more dry matter
Germplasm detection of low temperature tolerant jute
Diagnosis of the role of protein in germination and seed production of jute
Determining the role of day and night length in jute flowering
Selection of suitable floor for drying jute seeds
Determining the role of lysine in the growth of fungi (Macrofomina faciolina)
Diagnosis of changes in meat and sweetness as a result of preservation of kenaf seeds
Identification of germplasm of Tosha jute, which is less sensitive to short day length
Mechanical determination of drying temperature of jute seeds
Determining the cutting age of BJRI Kenaf-3 (HC-3)
Determining the cutting age of BJRI Tosha Pat-5
Determining the cutting age of BJRI Tosha Pat-6
Determining the cutting age of Kenaf HC-95
Determination of suitable sowing time for kenaf (HC-95) seed production
Determination of suitable sowing time for seed production of Tosha Jute (O-9898)
Determination of suitable sowing time for desi jute (CVL-1) seed production
Determining the cutting age of Tosha Jute Front Line O-043-6-9 (Green)
Use of Chinadrone 50 WP (10 g / 10m), Joybun 80 WDG (2kg.), Azob 80 WDG (2 kg.), For control of jute leaf spot disease.
Use of Amazim 50 WDG (10 g / 10m), Chinadrone 50 WP (10 g / 10 m), KB Stin 50 WP (10 g / 10 m) for control of root rot disease of jute.
For control of jute stem rot Naturezeb 80 WP (2 kg.), Symzeb 80 WP (2 kg.), K-Zeb 45 (2 kg.), Okapi 75 WG (10 g / 10m), Tipoff 28 SC (10) and Seed borne diseases. g / 10m), is used
Use of lime, old jute seed powder, potash, sulfur and mustard oil cake to control git in jute roots.
Use of poultry litter (100 kg / ha) for gut root control
Seed health testing using earthenware or plastic Pedridis, Newspaper method to detect presence of seed-borne pathogens Macrophomina phaseolina, Colletotrichum corchori and Botryodiplodia theobromae.
Use of BAU-Biofungicide for spraying jute leaves to maintain fiber and seed quality
Use of BAU-Biofungicide (3 gm / kg) as seed purifier to control seed borne fungal diseases
Determining the amount of oil and protein in the seed while storing jute seeds
Diagnosis of severity of dry wound disease
Diagnosis of severity of Kalpatti disease
Diagnosis of severity of scabies
Guitivo 75 (6g /10 wj), Hakdak 45WG (20g /10L), Absotip 75WG (8g /10L ), Absodak 45WG (20g /10L), ACI FLO (2.5 - 3.0 ml) / Li water), using it to control jute stem rot and seed borne diseases.
Jute worm infestation is a root crop to control root rot Use of sunhemp, pile, kusum flower, buck flower
Jute worms using Furadan 5G (40 kg) Suppression of infectious diseases Shikregit.
Control of jute chlorosis / mosaic disease
Mancozeb group fungicides like Dithane M-45, Manner M-45, Indofil M-45, Onthane M-45, (20gm / 10L) mixed with water and sprayed 2-3 times Jute fungus control management
Seed purifiers to control seed-borne fungal diseases Use of garlic butter as herbal ingredient (125 g / kg)
Use of succulent mixture (1 pound copper sulphate + 1 pound lime + 10 gallons water) to control soft rot, root rot disease of jute
Use of provax-200 (4 gm / kg) as a seed purifier to control seed borne fungal diseases
Use of Vitavax-200 (4 gm / kg) as a seed purifier to control seed borne fungal diseases
Jute soil borne fungal diseases are soft rot and root rot Seed Purification Organic Ingredients (HYT-D)
Yellow spider mite control with dried neem leaf extract
Jute scorpion control by hand
Yellow spider mite control by basil leaf extract (seed: water-1: 20)
Yellow spider mite control by Pitraj seed extract booze: water-1: 20)
Suppression of jute yellow spiders by extract of turmeric powder (powder turmeric: water-1: 20)
Yellow spider mite control with poisonous leaf extract (1:20).
Suppression of yellow spiders of jute with raw neem leaf extract (1:20)
Suppression of yellow spiders of jute with the control of garlic (1:10 garlic: water)
Jute yellow spider suppression with native jute seed extract
Suppression of yellow spiders of jute by spent (used tea leaves)
Suppression of yellow spiders of jute with neem seed extract.
Jute yellow spider mite control with mahogany seed extract
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Jute O-043-6-9 (red) for seed production
Determination of fertilizer of BJRI Desi Jute front row C-12221 for fiber production.
Determination of fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Jute front row O-0512-6-2 for fiber production.
Diagnosis of fertilizer in seed production of BJRI Kenaf-4.
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Jute-6 in jute seed production
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Pat - 8.
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of Jute Breeding Row Kenaf-51
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJC-5050, front row of desi jute.
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJC-5050, front row of desi jute.
Diagnosis of fertilizer of front row O-0412-9-4 of BJRI Tosha Jute for seed production.
Diagnosis of fertilizer of front row O-043-6-9 of Tosha Jute
Determination of Fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Jute Front Row O-041-10-4 for Fertilizer Production
In addition to the existing fertilizer recommendation of BJRI Tosha Jute O-9898 for seed production, additional 25% fertilizer application has resulted in higher yield.
Diagnosis of fertilizer for obtaining maximum yield fiber and jute sticks of Samu-93
Diagnosis of fertilizer for obtaining high yield fibers and jute sticks of desi jute breeding row BJC-5105
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of BJRI Kenaf-4 for Acupuncture
Diagnosis of BJRI Tosha Jute (BLG) Fertilizer for Acne Production
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJC-5003, the front row of desi jute
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Pat-6 for seed production
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of BJC-2198 in the front row of desi jute
Diagnosis of fertilizer of front row jute O-3620
Diagnosis of fertilizer of front row jute O-3820.
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Jute O-795 for fiber production.
Determination of fertilizer in jute seed production by top cutting method.
BJRI in Nabi Jute Seed Production Method Determination of Fertilizer for Seed Production of Different Indigenous Jute Varieties
Diagnosis of fertilizer of BJC-2142 in front row of desi jute
Nabi jute seed material through magnesium management.
BJRI Mesta 4 (Vegetable Mesta 2)
Tosha Jute Seed Production Technology as a Companion Crop for Southern Winter Vegetables
BJRI Mesta 3
BJRI Mesta 2 (Vegetable Mesta 1)
BJRI Kenaf 4 (Red Kenaf)
BJRI Kenaf 3 (Bot Kenaf)
Diagnosis of fertilizer for seed production of BJRI Tosha Pat-4 in Nabi jute seed production method.
HC 95
Diagnosis of fertilizer for seed production of BJRI Tosha Pat-4 in Nabi jute seed production method
HC 2
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Jute O-795 for Acne Production.
Diagnosis of fertilizer to get maximum seed of BJRI Desi Jute-5
BJRI Desi Jute BJC-370 is a high yielding fiber and jute stick to get fertilizer.
Diagnosis of magnesium fertilizer for jute fiber production.
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of Kenaf CPI-72126 for Acupuncture.
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of BJRI Tosha Pat-4 for Acupuncture.
Diagnosis of BJRI Kenaf HC-95 Fertilizer for Acne Production.
Diagnosis of BJRI Tosha Jute O-2012 Fertilizer for Acne Production.
The interaction of N, P, K, S, Zn fertilizer in Nabi jute seed production is positive.
Determining the effect of fertilizer on jute-paddy-wheat crop rotation.
BJRI Tosha Pat 7 (MG-1)
BJRI Tosha Pat 6 (O-3820)
BJRI Tosha Pat 4 (O-72)
BJRI Tosha Pat 3 (OM-1)
Determination of Fertilizer Level of BJRI Desi Jute-5 for Fertilizer Production
Fiber extractor
Determination of approved levels of N, P, K fertilizers for production of Nabi jute seeds.
Determination of N, P, K, S, Zn fertilizer levels in jute-paddy-wheat crop rotation.
Determination of fertilizer level in nabi jute seed production
Determination of fertilizer levels of two potential varieties named Mutant and Chaitali
Effects of Organic Ingredients in Jute O-9897 Fiber Production
Determination of fertilizer level of Tosha Jute O-9897 for fiber production.
Chinsura Green (D-38)
BJRI Desi Jute 10 (C-12221)
BJRI Desi Jute Vegetable 3
BJRI Desi Patshak 2
Determination of Nitrogen Fertilizer of Tosha Jute O-9897 for fiber production.
BJRI Desi Patshak 1 (BJC-390)
Determination of Zinc Fertilizer of Tosha Pat-4 for seed production.
BJRI Desi Jute-9 (BJC-5003)
Determination of Fertilizer Level of BJRI Desi Jute CVL-1 for Acne Production
Determination of Nitrogen Fertilizer Level of Desi Jute for Fertilizer Production
Determination of fertilizer level of Tosha Pat-4 for seed production
BJRI Desi Jute 8 (BJC-2197)
Determination of fertilizer level of desi jute CC-45 for fiber production
Determination of fertilizer level to get maximum yield seed of Desi Jute CVL-1
BJRI Desi Jute 7 (BJC-2142)
Diagnosis of fertilizer for obtaining high yield fiber and jute sticks of BJRI Mestma HS-24.
BJRI Desi Jute 6 (BJC-83)
Determination of Fertilizer Level of Desi Jute CVE-3 for Fertilizer Production
Determination of fertilizer level of Tosha Jute O-4 for scab production
BJRI Desi Jute 5 (BJC-7370)
Determination of fertilizer level for jute ash production
C-6 (C-322)
C-5 (C-321)
C-4 (C-320)
Jute tea
D-154 (Dhaka-154)
Kakaya Bombay
Determination of phosphorus fertilizer level for jute seed production
Rotproof nursery pot invention
Invent fabrics from yarn blended in a blend of fleece and jute fibers
Dyeing of jute fabric from litchi leaf color
Technological Innovation of Lycra Single Jersey and Lycra Rib Knitted Fabrics from Jute
Sanitary napkins made from jute fiber
Made of waterproof paper from jute fiber
Making fuel cake from jute fiber
Jute Geo Textile
Jute Knitting Milanj Technology
Diagnosis of Fertilizer of BJRI Desi Jute D-154
Jute wool production in green technology
Jute-Cotton Union Fabric Preparation
Thin yarn
High quality Jainamaz from jute
Technology of weeding and use of herbicides in the production of tosha jute for fiber production
Determination of correct lifespan of Tosha variety O-795, O-9897 and JRO-524 for fiber production
Light and reusable jute shopping bag production method
Determining the exact time of sowing of seeds for O-0412-9-4 and O-043-7-9 front row of tosha for fiber production
Determining the right dose and timing of top application of urea fertilizer for weed control in BJRI Tosha Jute-5 (O-795) variety.
Determining the correct distance of sowing (line-line and tree-tree) of BJRI Desi Pat-8 (BJC-2197) for production of Nabi jute seeds.
Determining the exact time of sowing of BJRI Tosha Pat-7 for production of Nabi jute seeds
Modified apron draft ring spinning machine
Technology of using herbicides to control weeds in jute field
Determining the exact time of sowing Sari Samu'93 in front of Mestar
Novotex blankets
Determining the exact time of sowing of BJRI Tosha Pat-6 for Nabi jute seeds
Determining the exact time of sowing of John BJR Kenaf-4 (KE-3) for fiber production
Determining the exact time of sowing BJRI Tosha Jute-7 for fiber production
Technology of jute seed production in Nabi season
Technology of using herbicides to control appetite and finger weeds in jute fields
Tosha Jute Variety BJRI Tosha Jute-6 (O-3820)
Determining the correct sowing time of BJRI Desi Jute-8 (BJC-2197) in seed production
Determining the correct sowing time of BJRI Desi Jute-7 (BJC-2142) in seed production
Determining the correct sowing time of BJRI Desi Jute Variety BJRI Desi Jute-8 (BJC-2197)
Determining the exact number of trees for sowing Jan Tosha jute for fiber production
Use of herbicides to control jute weeds
Determining the exact sowing time of BJRI Kenaf-3 (Bot Kenaf)
Determining the exact time of sowing BJRI Tosha Jute-5 for fiber production
Determining the correct sowing time of BJRI Tasha Pat-4 in seed production
Determining the appropriate time for cutting tosha jute
Determining the appropriate time for cutting jute
In the conventional method, yarn is made by mixing jute fiber and banana fiber
Conventional method of making yarn by combining jute fiber with acrylic fiber
Setting a suitable time for sowing mesta jute
Production of blended yarn and cloth by chemically modifying jute
Production of pulp and paper from jute
Preparation of charcoal and activated carbon from jute
Production of fireproof and waterproof technology from jute
Production of jute composite from jute
Cellulose production from jute
Application of pigment printing on jute cotton blended fabrics
Setting a suitable time for sowing kenaf jute
Tosha Pat variety BJRI Tosha Pat-5 (O-795)
Exact timing of Mesta seed harvesting in seed production
Integrative management for jute cultivation
Determining the appropriate time for sowing Tasha Jute
Determination of suitable time for sowing of native jute
Proper timing of kenaf seed harvesting method in seed production
Exact Seed Sowing Time of Desi Jute Variety BJRI Desi Jute-7 (BJC-2142)
Exact timing of cutting of desi jute seed crop in seed production
Integration of pre-sown tosha jute in three crop lands
Tosha jute seed harvesting method in seed production
Proper sowing time of BJRI Mesta HS-24 (Mesta-1)
Tosha jute seed rate determination method in seed production
Method of determining the seed rate of native jute in seed production
Tosha Jute Variety BJRI Tosha Jute-4 (O-72) Proper Seed Sowing Time
Appropriate method of scheduling seed sowing of kenaf crop in seed production
Proper Seed Cutting Time of Tosha Jute Variety BJRI Tosha Jute-4 (O-72) for Ash Production
Tosha Pat Variety BJRI Tosha Pat-3 (OM-1) Proper Seed Sowing Time
Involvement of pre-sown tosha jute in three crop lands
Mixed crop production technology of jute and rabi crops
Seed production method through stem and tip planting in Nabi season
Proper intercropping management technology for jute cultivation
Determination of exact seed sowing time of BJRI Desi Jute-6 (BJC-83)
Exact Seed Sowing Time of Desi Jute Variety BJRI Desi Jute-5 (BJC-7370)
Jute seed production technology in seedling planting method
Tosha jute variety O-9897 seed rate determination method
Desi jute variety CVL-1 seed rate determination method
Appropriate method of scheduling seed sowing of kenaf crop in seed production
Appropriate timing of sowing of tosha jute in seed production
Jute-transplanted aman-wheat crop sequence is closely related to the newly developed native jute variety.
The right time to harvest jute seeds
Determination of correct seed sowing time of BJRI Desi Jute D-154
Proper sowing time of BJRI Kenaf-ESC-2
Jute and Mugdal mixed crop production technology
Jute and Musurdal mixed crop production technology
Determining the exact time of sowing of BJRI Tosha Jute O-9897 for production of Nabi Jute seeds
A simple test to determine the germination rate of jute seeds at the farmer level
Appropriate timing of sowing of native jute in seed production
Preservation method of jute seeds at farmer level
Determination of correct seed sowing time of Tasha Pat variety BJRI Tosha Pat-3 (OM-1)
Method of drying jute seeds
Jute-transplanted aman-wheat crop sequence Pre-sown tosha jute variety insert
Proper sowing time of BJRI Kenaf-2 (HC-95)
Seed production technology in direct seed sowing method
Nabi jute seed production technology
Technology to reduce production cost of jute intercropping and soil management
Determination of different varieties of jute
Jute and Mugdal mixed crop production technology
Determining the number of cultivable lands of BJRI Desi Jute CVL-1 for fiber production
Tosha Jute Variety BJRI Tosha Jute O-9897) Accurate Seed Sowing Time
Sowing and intercropping technology to get the best yield
Modified Nano-Clay Jute Polyester Composite (Thermoset)
Determination of exact seed sowing time of native jute variety CC-45
Jute-PP hybrid nonwoven geotextile
Determination of correct sowing time of native jute variety CVE-3
Development of Weatability Tester
Technical development of jute fineness measuring system by Sonic Fineness Tester
Jute Baby Napkin
Improvements to Dreptaster
Anti-decomposing jute composite
Fireproof Jute Composite
Technology of making jute-cotton blended yarn by rotor and ring spinning method
Jute Composite (Thermo-Plastic)
Jute Composite (Thermoset)
Determining the correct sowing time of BJRI Kenaf HC-2 (Kenaf-1)
Determining the correct sowing time of BJRI Mesta-1 (HS-24)
Determination of correct seed sowing time of native jute variety CVL-1
Determination of correct seed sowing time of jute variety D-154
Use of Chinadrone 50 WP (10 g / 10 L), Joybun 80 WDG (2 kg / ha), Azob 80 WDG (2 kg / ha), for control of jute leaf spot disease.
Use of Amazim 50 WDG (10 g / 10 l), Chinadrone 50 WP (10 g / 10 l), KB Stin 50 WP (10 g / 10 l) for control of root rot disease of jute.
Naturezeb 80 WP (2 kg / ha), Symzeb 80 WP ((2 kg / ha), K-Zeb 45 (2 kg / ha), Okapi 75 WG (10 g / 10) for control of jute stem rot and seed borne diseases L), use of Tipoff 28 SC (10 gm / 10 l)
Use of lime, old jute seed powder, potash, sulfur and mustard oil cake to control git in jute roots
Use of poultry litter (100 kg / ha) for gut root gut control
Seed health examination using earthenware or plastic petridis, newspaper method to detect presence of seed pathogens Macrophomina Phaseolina, Colletotrichum Corchori and Botryodiplodia theobromae.
Use of BAU-Biofungicide for spraying jute leaves to maintain fiber and seed quality
Use of BAU-Biofungicide (3 gm / kg) as seed purifier to control seed borne fungal diseases.
Determining the amount of oil and protein in the seed while storing jute seeds
Diagnosis of dry wound disease severity
Diagnosis of severity of kalpatti disease
Diagnosis of sepsis:
Guitivo 75 (8g / 10l), Hakdak 45WG (20g / 10l), Absotip 75WG (8g / 10l), Absodak 45WG (20g / 10l), ACI FLO (2.5 - 3.0ml) / Li water), using jute stem rot and control of seed borne diseases
Use of Sunhemp, Gada, Kusum flower, Buckflower as trap cultivation for root control
Furadan 5G (40 ) Using Jute Worm Disease Shikregit
Control of jute chlorosis / mosaic disease
Mancozeb group fungicides such as Dithane M-45, Manner M-45, Indofil M-45, Onthane M-45 (20gm / 10L) mixed with water and sprayed 2-3 times to control jute fungal diseases
Use of Garlic Butter Medicinal Ingredients (125 g / kg) as a seed purifier to control seed borne fungal diseases
Use of Bodro Moisture (1 pound copper sulphate + 1 pound lime + 10 gallons water) to control soft rot, root rot disease of jute
Use of Provax-200 (4 gm / kg) as a seed purifier to control seed borne fungal diseases
Seed Purification Organic Fertilizer (HYT-D) for control of soft rot and root rot disease of jute soil borne fungi
BJRI Jute Harvester / Jute Cutting Machine (Year 2019)
Transformation Of Blackish Colored Jute Fibre Into Golden Color Fibre Using TSP (2019)
Development of BJRI Auto Power Jute Ribboner, Ribboning and Ribbon Retting (2015)
Jute peeling and punching with jute ribbon (2014)
Jute Retting in Char Land areas of Bangladesh (2014)
Ribbon Retting (2012)
Low cost Retting using Hessian as Covering material (2010)
Accerelation of Jute Retting by using Nitrogenous plants (2009)
Determination of retting time and fibre quality of BJRI Tossa jute-5 (2008)
Improved Method of Jute Retting (2007)
Development of Semi mechanized Double Roller Jute Ribboner (2001)
Up-gradation of Fibre Quality of Seed-cut and barky fibres (1984)
Ribbon retting in the polythene-lined artificial retting tanks (1983)
Removal of ‘Shamla (dark grey) Color’ by Tamarind solution (1982)
Grading of Jute fibres (Kutcha and Pucca grades (1981)
Retting of Jute Seed Plants (1980)
Hand Ribboning bamboo hook and Ribbon Retting (1980)
Softening of Jute Cutting by Fungus (1969)
Production of ladies shawls mixed with jute, cotton and fleece
Suiting fabric production
Jute, Cotton and Pineapple Leaf Fiber (30:50:20).
Development of Jute Cotton Waste Silk Blended Yarn in Cotton Processing System.
Technology for making jute-cotton blended coarse fabric with low quality jute in cotton processing system
Technology of making blankets with fibers mixed with jute, cotton and sheep's wool.
Technology for making Punjabi with jute-cotton blended yarn.
Furnishing fabric production
Jute, cotton and native fleece are mixed to make 6 count yarn
Making 10 counts of yarn mixed with jute and cotton
Made of 8 yarn mixed with jute and cotton
BJRI Mesta 3 (Samu 93)
BJRI Tosha Pat 4
BJRI Tosha Pat 7
Jute Textile Technology
Industrial Technology
Agriculture Technology
BJRI Kenaf 5 (Falguni Kenaf)
BJRI Tossa Jute 9
BJRI Mesta 4 (Vegetable Mesta 2)
BJRI Tosha Jute 3 (OM-1)
Chinsura Green (D-38)
C-6 (C-322)
C-5 (C-321)
C-4 (C-320)
D-154 (Dhaka-154)
Kakya Bombai
BJRI Mesta 3 (Samu 93)
BJRI Mesta 2 (Vegetable Mesta)
BJRI Kenaf 4 (Red Kenaf)
BJRI Kenaf 3 (Bot Kenaf)
Kenaf 2 HC-95
BJRI Tosha Pat 8 (Robi-1)
BJRI Tosha Pat 7 (MG-1)
BJRI Tosha pat 4 (O-72)
BJRI Tosha Pat 6 (O-3820)
BJRI Tosha Jute 5 (O-795)
BJRI Desi Jute Vegetable 3
BJRI Desi Jute Vegetable 2
BJRI Desi Jute Vegetable 1 (BJC-390)
BJRI Desi Jute 10 (C-12221)
BJRI Desi Jute 9 (BJC-5003)
BJRI Desi Jute 8 (BJC-2197)
BJRI Desi Jute 7 (BJC-2142)
BJRI Desi Jute 6 (BJC-83)
BJRI Desi Jute 5 (BJC-7370)
Admininstrative Wing
Planning, Training and Communication Wing
Agricultural Research Wing
Jute-Textile Wing
Technological Research Wing
Jute-Geo Textiles
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